8 Expedient Ways to Attain Buddhahood as Expounded in the Lotus Sutra
There is only one Buddhahood but immeasurable gateways to attain the same goal.
In Chapter 2: Expedient Methods, the Buddha declares that all his teachings, be it early, middle or latter teachings, derive from the One Buddha-Vehicle. This means that people who embrace Buddhism – regardless of whether it is Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana – will eventually reach the shore of Supreme Perfect Enlightenment. This declaration of universal enlightenment is wonderfully illustrated in the Parable of the Blazing House.
As a result of the Buddha’s skillful means of delivering the Law of Buddhahood, immeasurable living beings of different natures, desires, and capacities are able to eventually become a Buddha.
Here are the 8 expedient ways to attain Buddhahood as expounded in Chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra:
Quote #1
“After the parinirvana of the Buddhas,
if there are people who are
kind-hearted, gentle, and charitable,
all these living beings
have already attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.39)
Quote #2
If there are people who live in the wilderness
and build a temple for the Buddha using the earth,
or even children who, in their play,
gather sands to build a Buddha tower,
these people have already
attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.42)
Quote #3
“If there are people who, for the sake of the Buddha,
create images and forms
through carving, engraving, and sculpturing into statues,
they have already attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.43)
Quote #4
“Some use the seven treasures
such as precious metals, red and white copper,
pewter, lead, or tin,
iron, wood, or clay;
some use clothes soaked in resin or paint
to adorn the Buddha’s images.
These people have already
attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.44)
Quote #5
“Some draw and paint the Buddha’s images
that are adorned with forms of a hundred blessings;
irrespective of whether it is a self-painting or by commission,
they have already attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.45)
Quote #6
“If there are people with joyful hearts
who sing songs to praise the Buddha’s virtues,
even if they sing softly,
they have already attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.50)
Quote #7
“If there are people with troubled minds
who enter the pagodas or temples,
and utter but one single phrase of devotion:
‘Homage to the Buddha!’
they have already attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.54)
Quote #8
“If there are people who hear this teaching,
from one of the present or former Buddhas,
or the Buddhas who have entered parinirvana,
they have already attained Buddhahood. (Lotus Sutra 2: 5.55)