10 Celebrities who are Members of Soka Gakkai Soka Gakkai, which means “Value-Creating Society,” is a lay Buddhist organization under the umbrella of Nichiren Buddhism. The core practice of Soka Gakkai is to chant the title of the Lotus Sutra – “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” – and recite excerpts of […]
Gosho Study #11: The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra My disciples, form your ranks and follow me, and surpass even Mahakashyapa and Ananda, Tien-tai or Dengyo! If you quail before the threats of the ruler of this little island country and abandon your faith, how will you […]
Mangala Sutta: 38 Blessings (Part 2/3) The elements of this group reveal the steps for further personal development which should be taken when we have established ourselves in family and work. Once we have attained these Personal Blessings, the transition towards higher spiritual ideals becomes very smooth. Part 3: The […]
Buddhism and Dietary Preference written by Sonam Yeshe, a Lay Vajrayana Buddhist Eating meat does not violate the 1st precept – otherwise, the precept would have explicitly mentioned avoiding all types of meat. The first precept of Buddhism is to do with avoiding of killing and harming of […]
Law of Karma: The Story of Queen Mallika Great Merits from Sincere Giving to the Buddha At the time of the Buddha, a daughter was born to the foreman of the guild of garland-makers in Savatthi. She was beautiful, clever and well behaved and a source of joy to her […]
Understanding Fa Hsiang Sect (Part 4/4) Three Manifestation Potentials [三能變] According to Fa-hsiang ‘s doctrine, all sentient beings and non-sentient matters are manifestations of consciousnesses. The seeing portion is the ability to be conscious and aware, while the seen portion is the phenomena in the entire world. Both portions are the […]
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Deciphering the Lotus Sutra: Commentary by Gene Reeves (Chapter 1 – GR 1.1) #1 – The Lotus Sutra is For All Living Beings Monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen, gods, dragons, satyrs, centaurs, ashuras, griffins, chimeras, pythons, humans and nonhumans, minor kings, and holy wheel-rolling kings, and others are all […]
5 Supernatural Powers of Moggallana (Maudgalyayana) In the discourse about the disciples who excelled in special capacities and qualities (A. I, 13), the Buddha said that Moggallana was foremost among the Bhikkhus who possessed magical faculties. One day when Moggallana with some of his disciples walked up and down, the Buddha […]
Personal Experience: Overcoming Digestive Problems, Chronic Rhinitis and Depression I have swept away my introverted, depressed personality. I now live with enthusiasm and a positive mindset. – Zheng Wan, Korea Raised in a poor family, I suffered from ill-health from the time I was young. My parents’ constant arguing […]