Mangala Sutta: 38 Blessings (Part 2/3) At this stage, material development is no longer of priority. The objectives of life have changed. This is the level of serious spiritual practice directed at attaining the Supreme Blessings of the Path, and Fruits of the Path, to Nibbana. Part 5: The […]
Understanding Hua Yen Sect (Part 1/4) Name Hua-yen [華嚴] is the pronunciation of Flower Adornment, which is translated from the Sanskrit word Avatamsaka, the name of one of the most famous sutra in Buddhism. This sect takes its name from the Avatamsaka Sutra, which is the principal text of the sect. Literally, […]
The Four Stages of Enlightenment In Theravada Buddhism, the goal of the Dharma practice is to achieve enlightenment as an Arahant. The Four Stages of Enlightenment are Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, and Arahant. People who are at one of these four stages as known as the noble people (ariya-puggala) by the Buddha. […]
Experience of Personal Transformation: Arlen Vidal In this video Arlen Vidal tells of how she used her practice of Nichiren Buddhism to find her mission as an educator who works to empower underprivileged youth.
20 Inspirational Quotes by Rumi Rumi (Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī) was a 13th century Persian, Islamic scholar, theologian, Sunni Muslim, Sufi mystic. His major work is the Matnawīye Manawī, a six-volume poem regarded by many to be one of the greatest works of mystical poetry. Deemed as “most popular poet” and […]
The Great Translator, Hsuan-tsang Hsuan-tsang (599-664 A.D.) [玄奘] As a translator, Hsuan-tsang who was regarded as second only to Kumarajiva, had great influence on later Buddhist thought and development. He translated more scriptures than any of the other translators. Unlike many other great translators, Hsuan-tsang was a local Chinese. He was […]
Tendai Buddhism and the Practice of Amitabha Buddha By Tendai UK AMIDA BUTSU 阿弥陀仏 (AMITABHA BUDDHA) Originally, Amida was a Bodhisattva monk called Dharmakāra (Hōzō 法蔵). He was a king who, like Shakyamuni, gave up his thrown to become a monk. After eons of practice, he became Dharmakāra Bodhisattva, […]
Deciphering the Lotus Sutra: Commentary by Thich Nhat Hanh (Chapter 1) Open Two Doors: Historical Dimension and Ultimate Dimension #1 The introductory chapter opens two doors. The first door is that of history, the events we experience and what we can see and know in our own lifetimes. The […]
Gosho Study #12: Reply to the Lay Priest Takahashi When all others hate me, the fact that you have placed even a bit of trust in me and, moreover, have come all the way here to visit me, cannot be ascribed to the karma of your present life alone. Surely […]
Challenging Every Obstacle By Bill Ponce (USA) I was 19 when I came to the United States from Mexico, not speaking English and with only a seventh-grade education. By 27, I was married and had two beautiful daughters—and a drinking problem. At 33, my marriage ended in divorce, and my […]