High King Avalokitesvara Sutra

High King Avalokitesvara Sutra (高王观世音真经)

Below is the original English translation of High King Avalokitesvara Sutra by Minerva T.Y. Lee for the benefit of humanity:


Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara 观世音菩萨 guān shì yīn pú sà

Homage to the Buddhas 南无佛 nán mó fó

Homage to the Dharma 南无法 nán mó fǎ

Homage to the Sangha 南无僧 nán mó sēng

I have an affinity with the Buddha-lands 佛国有缘 fó guó yǒu yuán

And I connect with the Buddha-Dharma 佛法相因 fó fǎ xiāng yīn

to attain Eternity, Happiness, True Self and Purity 常乐我净 cháng lè wǒ jìng


This is the Buddha-Dharma that I have an affinity with: 有缘佛法 yǒu yuán fó fǎ

Namo Maha Prajna Paramita 南无摩诃般若波罗密 nán mó mó hē bān ruò bō luó mì

Is a great divine mantra 是大神咒 shì dà shén zhòu

Namo Maha Prajna Paramita 南无摩诃般若波罗密 nán mó mó hē bān ruò bō luó mì

Is a great illuminating mantra 是大明咒 shì dà míng zhòu

Namo Maha Prajna Paramita 南无摩诃般若波罗密 nán mó mó hē bān ruò bō luó mì

Is an unsurpassed mantra. 是无上咒 shì wú shàng zhòu

Namo Maha Prajna Paramita 南无摩诃般若波罗密 nán mó mó hē bān ruò bō luó mì

Is an unequalled mantra. 是无等等咒 shì wú děng děng zhòu


Namo Pure Light Secret Buddha, 南无净光秘密佛 nán wú jìng guāng mì mì fó

Dharma Treasury Buddha, 法藏佛 fǎ zàng fó

Tranquil King of the Lion’s Roar and Divine Feet Buddha, 狮子吼神足幽王佛 shī zǐ hǒu shén zú yōu wáng fó

The Buddha’s Proclaimed King of Sumeru Light Buddha, 佛告须弥灯王佛 fó gào xū mí dēng wáng fó

Dharma Protector Buddha, 法护佛 fǎ hù fó

Vajra Treasury Lion’s Recreation Buddha, 金刚藏狮子游戏佛 jīn gāng cáng shī zǐ yóu xì fó

Jeweled Victory Buddha, 宝胜佛 bǎo shèng fó

Divine Powers Buddha, 神通佛 shén tōng fó

Medicine Physician of the King of Lapis Lazuli Light Buddha, 药师琉璃光王佛 yào shī liú lí guāng wáng fó

Mountain King of Universal Light and Merits Buddha, 普光功德山王佛 pǔ guāng gōng dé shān wáng fó

Jeweled King of Accomplished Abiding in Merits Buddha, 善住功德宝王佛 shàn zhù gōng dé bǎo wáng fó

the past seven Buddhas, 过去七佛 guò qù qī fó

the thousand Buddhas of the Wise Kalpa in the future, 未来贤劫千佛 wèi lái xián jié qiān fó

the fifteen hundred Buddhas, 千五百佛 qiān wǔ bǎi fó

the fifteen thousand Buddhas, 万五千佛 wàn wǔ qiān fó

the five hundred Flower Victory Buddhas, 五百花胜佛 wǔ bǎi huā shèng fó

Ten of Billions of Vajra Treasury Buddhas, 百亿金刚藏佛 bǎi yì jīn gāng cáng fó

Steady Light Buddha, 定光佛 dìng guāng fó

the names of six Buddhas in the six directions, 六方六佛名号 liù fāng liù fó míng hào

Jeweled Light Moon Palace Wonderful Moon King of Glorious Music Buddha of the East, 东方宝光月殿月妙尊音王佛 dōng fāng bǎo guāng yuè diàn yuè miào zūn yīn wáng fó

Tree-Root King of Flower Buddha of the South, 南方树根花王佛 nán fāng shù gēn huā wáng fó

King of Ebony Divine Powers King of Blazing Flower Buddha of the West, 西方皂王神通燄花王佛 xī fāng zào wáng shén tōng yàn huā wáng fó

Moon Palace Purity Buddha of the North, 北方月殿清净佛 běi fāng yuè diàn qīng jìng fó

the innumerable Vigorous Jeweled Crown Buddhas in the top realm, 上方无数精进宝首佛 shàng fāng wú shù jīng jìn bǎo shǒu fó

Accomplished in Tranquility King of Moon Music Buddha in the bottom realm, 下方善寂月音王佛 xià fāng shàn jì yuè yīn wáng fó

immeasurable Buddhas, 无量诸佛 wú liáng zhū fó

Abundant Treasures Buddha, 多宝佛 duō bǎo fó

Shakyamuni Buddha, 释迦牟尼佛 shì jiā móu ní fó

Maitreya Buddha, 弥勒佛 mí lè fó

Akshobhya Buddha, 阿閦佛ā chù fó

Amitabha Buddha.  弥陀佛mí tuó fó


For all beings living in the middle realm, 中央一切众生 zhōng yāng yī qiē zhòng shēng

beings residing in the midst of the Buddha-worlds, 在佛世界中者 zài fó shì jiè zhōng zhě

beings who walk and live on the grounds, 行住於地上 xíng zhù yú dì shàng

as well as those in mid-air, 及在虚空中 jí zài xū kōng zhōng

I shower loving-kindness and compassion upon all living beings, 慈忧於一切众生 cí yōu yú yī qiē zhòng shēng

so as to bring them peace, stability, and respite. 各令安稳休息 gè líng ān wěn xiū xī

If you practice day and night, 昼夜修持 zhòu yè xiū chí

always reciting this sutra in your heart, 心常求诵此经 xīn cháng qiú sòng cǐ jīng

you will be liberated from the suffering of birth and death, 能灭生死苦 néng miè shēng sǐ kǔ

and all types of poisons and harms will be eradicated. 消除诸毒害 xiāo chú zhū dú hài


Homage to Avalokitesvara of the Great Wisdom, 南无大明观世音 nán mó dà míng guān shì yīn

Avalokitesvara of the Observant, 观明观世音 guān míng guān shì yīn

Avalokitesvara of the Most Eminent, 高明观世音 gāo míng guān shì yīn

Avalokitesvara of the Enlightened, 开明观世音 kāi míng guān shì yīn

Bodhisattva Medicine King, 药王菩萨 yào wáng pú sà

Bodhisattva Medicine Superior, 药上菩萨 yào shàng pú sà

Bodhisattva Manjushri, 文殊师利菩萨 wén shū shī lì pú sà

Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, 普贤菩萨 pǔ xián pú sà

Bodhisattva Akasagarbha, 虚空藏菩萨 xū kōng cáng pú sà

Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, 地藏王菩萨dì cáng wáng pú sà

Bodhisattvas Billions of Refreshing Treasure Mountain, 清凉宝山亿万菩萨 qīng liáng bǎo shān yì wàn pú sà

Bodhisattva King of Universal Light Tathagata Victorious in Transformation. 普光王如来化胜菩萨 pǔ guāng wáng rú lái huà shèng pú sà


By reciting this sutra continuously, 念念诵此经 niàn niàn sòng cǐ jīng

the Seven Buddhas who are the Lords of the World declare this mantra: 七佛世尊, 即说咒曰:

Li Po Li Po Di, Qiu He Qiu He Di, Tuo Luo Ni Di, Ni He La Di, Pi Li Ni Di, Mo He Qie Di, Zhen Ling Qian Di, So Ha


lí  pó  lí  pó  dì, qíu  hē  qíu  hē  dì, tuó luó ní dì, ní  hē  lā dì, pí lí ní dì, mó hē qié dì, zhēn líng qián dì

sō hā


观世音菩萨。南无佛。南无法。南无僧。佛国有缘。佛法相因。常乐我净。有缘佛法。南无摩诃般若(re3)波罗密。是大神咒。南无摩诃般若波罗密。是大明咒。南无摩诃般若波罗密。是无上咒。南无摩诃般若波罗密。是无等等咒。南无净光秘密佛。法藏佛。狮子吼神足幽王佛。佛告须弥灯王佛。法护佛。金刚藏狮子游戏佛。宝胜佛。神通佛。药师琉璃光王佛。普光功德山王佛。善住功德宝王佛。过去七佛。未来贤劫千佛。千五百佛。万五千佛。五百花胜佛。百亿金刚藏佛。定光佛。六方六佛名号。东方宝光月殿月妙尊音王佛。南方树根花王佛。西方皂王神通燄(yan4)花王佛。北方月殿清净佛。上方无数精进宝首佛。下方善寂月音王佛。无量诸佛。多宝佛。释迦牟尼佛。弥勒佛。阿閦(chu4)佛。弥陀佛。中央一切众生。在佛世界中者。行住於地上。及在虚空中。慈忧於一切众生。各令安稳休息。昼夜修持。心常求诵此经。能灭生死苦。消除诸毒害。南无大明观世音。观明观世音。高明观世音。开明观世音。药王菩萨。药上菩萨。文殊师利菩萨。普贤菩萨。虚空藏菩萨。地藏王菩萨。清凉宝山亿万菩萨。普光王如来化胜菩萨。念念诵此经。七佛世尊。即说咒曰∶离婆离婆帝。求诃求诃帝。陀罗尼帝。尼诃啰帝。毘离尼帝。摩诃伽帝。真陵乾帝。梭哈。Li2 Po2 Li2 Po2 Di4, Qiu2 He1 Qiu2 He1 Di4, Tuo2 Luo2 Ni2 Di4, Ni2 He1 La1 Di4, Pi3 Li2 Ni2 Di2, Mo2 He1 Qie2 Di4, Zhen1 Ling2 Qian2 Di4, So1 Ha1。

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