Jataka Tales: The Golden Mallard Once upon a time when Brahmadatta was reigning in Benares, the Bodhisatta was born a Brahmin, and growing up was married to a bride of his own rank, who bore him three daughters named Nanda, Nanda-vati, and Sundari-nanda. The Bodhisatta dying, they were taken in […]
Deciphering the Lotus Sutra: Commentary by Nichiren Daishonin (Chapter 2) Point Seven, regarding the passage “Now I, joyful and fearless, / in the midst of the bodhisattvas, / honestly discarding expedient means, / will preach only the unsurpassed way.” Words and Phrases, volume four, says, “The three lines […]
Personal Experience: Overcoming Depression, Allergies & Rheumatism Meditation nurtures my heart. – Bei Fang, USA Amazing Benefits in the Early Days of Practice In August 2013, a former classmate introduced me to Bodhi Meditation, and I joined an 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. Light flowed in as I ventured […]
30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Do it now. – Paulo Coelho Many of us put our dreams on hold for another day, thinking that we have […]
Understanding Lu Sect (Part 1/2) Name ‘Lu’ [律] is transliterated in Chinese from the Sanskrit word Vinaya. It means the code of monastic discipline, which is one of Tripitaka. Lu-tsung [律宗] is actually Vinaya Sect. It is also known as Nan-shan-tsung [南山宗]. As the founder of Lu-tsung , Master Tao-husan [道宣] lived in Zhong-nan-shan [終南山], this sect is […]
Dhammapada: The Story of Kalayakkhini While residing at the Jetavana monastery in Savatthi, the Buddha uttered Verse (5) of this book, with reference to a certain woman who was barren, and her rival. Once there lived a householder, whose wife was barren; later he took another wife. The feud started […]
Personal Experience of Buddhist Practice: From Tragedy to Good Fortune World Tribune (WT): Thank you for sharing your experience with us. What was life like in Taiwan? Sue Kuan: I worked at a bank while my husband worked at an architectural firm. We had two children and lived in […]
Understanding Hua Yen Sect (Part 4/4) The Illustration with the Golden Lion ‘On the Golden Lion’ [金獅子章], a treatise written by Master Fa-tsang [法藏], is a very significant scripture to illustrate the Hua-yen doctrines. First of all, it illustrates the Principle of Dependent Arising. Gold has no inherent nature of its own. […]
Parable of the Poisoned Arrow The theistic traditions, however, were not alone in being discredited by the Buddha. Philosophy and speculation was even harder hit. The Buddha taught that not only was metaphysical speculation and philosophical debate fruitless, it was actually a pernicious waste of time. Those who engaged in […]
Deciphering the Lotus Sutra: Commentary by Nikkyo Niwano (Chapter 2) This chapter, with chapter 16, “Revelation of the [Eternal] Life of the Tathagata,” has long been regarded as the heart of the Lotus Sutra. It will be well to bear in mind the question of why this is so, […]