Hongaku – Original Enlightenment Original Enlightenment, although related to Buddhanature (Tathagata-garbha) is a different teaching. Original Enlightenment (also innate enlightenment) is the view that Enlightenment is not something to be gained, but rather we are already enlightened, we just need to realise it. The reason we can’t see this is […]
Tendai Buddhism
2 posts
Tendai Buddhism and the Practice of Amitabha Buddha By Tendai UK AMIDA BUTSU 阿弥陀仏 (AMITABHA BUDDHA) Originally, Amida was a Bodhisattva monk called Dharmakāra (Hōzō 法蔵). He was a king who, like Shakyamuni, gave up his thrown to become a monk. After eons of practice, he became Dharmakāra Bodhisattva, […]